Alter Rando

  • Sports activities
  • Walking
  • On foot
46 rue Montpensier, 64000 Pau
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Let us guide you off the beaten track on the great classics of the Ossau Valley, in Béarn
Jérêmie will help you explore the treasures of this valley and discover its flora, its pastoral identity and its emblematic fauna. On Tuesdays and Thursdays he will take you on a hike to the Ayous Lakes, on Wednesdays to see the Isards in the foothills of the Ossau, and on Fridays to the Montagnon d'Iseye lake. Any other sector that interests you is available on request, do not hesitate to call to...


Individual price - no discount
From 110€ to 210€


All year 2025 -


Alter Rando
46 rue Montpensier, 64000 Pau
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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