Saturday 20 september from 20:00 to 20:00


  • Concert
ZENITH DE PAU, Rue Suzanne Bacarisse, 64000 Pau
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Tap Factory is a skilful blend of dance, percussion, acrobatics and comedy, led by a troupe of artists who have won over audiences the world over with over 800 performances on 5 continents.
For more than 10 years, under the direction of Vincent Pausanias, this modern chaplinesque show has combined incredible performances, driving rhythms, positive energy and poetry, all bound together by a great sense of comedy and humor, and carried by a top-flight cast of multidisciplinary performers such...

Opening times

On 20 September 2025
  • 20:00 at 20:00


ZENITH DE PAU, Rue Suzanne Bacarisse, 64000 Pau
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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