Sunday 4 may at 11:00

Féminine de Printemps

  • Running races
  • Sports competition
  • Sports and leisure
Palais Beaumont, 64000 Pau
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Course on hold...
the 6-kilometre distance is not intended to attract seasoned runners.
The Féminine de Pau can also be an opportunity to discover and enjoy running and health sports in general.
The Féminine de Pau doesn't require months of preparation beforehand. Alternating between running and walking is a good way to get started.
Count on 2 to 3 training sessions a week, depending on how you feel, 1 month before the event.
As these sessions progress, you should increase the amount of...

Opening times

On 4 May 2025
  • 11:00


Féminine de Printemps
Palais Beaumont, 64000 Pau
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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