Sunday 20 april at 20:00

Annulé: Concert: Starmusical

  • Variety music
  • Pop music (rock, pop, rap, …)
  • Concert
  • Music
Zénith de Pau, allée Suzanne Bacarisse, 64000 Pau
Please note that the nearest station is more than
STARMUSICAL was born of the musical shows Stars 80, Génération Dance Machine and Priscilla Folle du Désert, produced by Cheyenne.
It was during a post-concert jam session, mixing musicians, dancers and artists, that some of the guests present, singers from musicals, performed the songs that made them famous. It was crazy, moving and festive, and the idea of bringing them together on stage became an obvious one.
STARMUSICAL is inspired by the careers of these incredible stars of the great...

Opening times

On 20 April 2025
  • 20:00
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Annulé: Concert: Starmusical
Zénith de Pau, allée Suzanne Bacarisse, 64000 Pau
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Spoken languages
  • French
  • Near a motorway
  • In town
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