Restaurant l'Ovalien

  • Restaurant
  • Traditional cooking
  • Traditional cuisine
Route de Lée, 64320 Lée
Please note that the nearest station is more than
The restaurant L' Ovalien is located in the east of Pau, a few minutes drive from the centre.
Coming from the world of rugby where gastronomy holds an important place in the savoir vivre, an important culinary career and rich in know-how, our chef mixes his two passions for the pleasure of all customers and his team shares this know-how in this establishment, where we find the taste, the warm welcome and good food. A perfect place for big events, a big screen so as not to miss the...


Air conditioned


Adult menu
From 11€ to 16€

A la carte
From 7€ to 50€

Payment cardsPayment cards


80 place setting
40 Dining tables outside
Groups (Max capacity)
  • 100 Person(s)
  • 5 Person (s) mini
  • 100 Maximum number of people
Accepted customers
  • Individuals
  • Groups


From 2 January 2025 until 31 December 2025
11:30 - 14:30

11:30 - 14:30

11:30 - 14:30

11:30 - 14:30

11:30 - 14:30


Restaurant l'Ovalien
Route de Lée, 64320 Lée
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Restaurant l'Ovalien
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  • French
  • Outskirts of town
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