Carnaval Bizot doughnuts 01Carnaval Bizot doughnuts 01
©Carnaval Bizot doughnuts 01|Les tourtières Bizot - Pau

Our carnival doughnuts Lo Crespeth

Los Crespeths Where to find them?

February sees the arrival of Carnival and its procession of delicacies that have always delighted us in the Béarn region. It’s time for doughnuts and crêpes!
Lo Crespeth, for those who don’t know it yet, is huge, sweet, crispy, airy and fragrant. It just makes you want to bite into it! It’s in the spotlight in many bakeries and pastry shops throughout the Carnaval Biarnès period, and we’re giving you a few tips on how to find some, and above all… Treat yourself!

1. Bizot tourtières Passage de la République - Pau

A must
From mid-February onwards, doughnuts take pride of place in the shop window. They’re huge, aniseed-flavored and, above all, crispy. Beware of addiction! Crêpes are also particularly popular in February and March, for the carnival season. Flavored with rum and vanilla, and sweetened to perfection, they’re sure to delight all gourmands!

2. Boulangerie Jaubert 4, rue du 14 juillet - Pau

Flavored to perfection
Quite large, about the size of a mandarin orange, Maison Jaubert’s doughnuts are flavored with orange and vanilla. The classic recipe from this emblematic house in the 14th of July district has been delighting young and old alike for over 50 years. We look forward to seeing you there!

Simin Palay LightSimin Palay Light
©Simin Palay Light

While in Paris we tend to prefer medium-sized doughnuts – we call them nun’s farts – in our country we prefer them big, very big even, and it’s the pride of the pastry chef to present them this way.

Simin Palay

3. Christian Sarraillé 1, allée du moulin - Lons

All natural
Labelled ” Artisans Gourmands Nouvelle-Aquitaine “, this bakery offers entirely homemade doughnuts. A no-frills, simple and generous recipe for this classic Béarn dish. Tip for gourmets: the choux pastry is flavored with vanilla and rum.

4. Boulangerie Marin 3, rue principale - Poey-de-Lescar

Passionate chefs at the helm
Marin’s pastry chefs make all the company’s creations, and are always on the lookout for new flavors and creativity. Their carnival doughnuts, for example, are flavored with vanilla and orange blossom; they’re gourmet and, above all, comforting! From mid-February, their three sales outlets will be offering these long-awaited sweets.

5. Boulangerie Chabat 6, avenue Henri IV - Gan

Since 1866
The beignets from this venerable house are quite large and flavored with rum, vanilla and, above all, have a special touch of lemon. Crêpes are also on the menu this carnival season, with a sweet rum flavor. With seven bakeries in Pau and the surrounding area, there’s no excuse not to treat yourself!

Recipe for carnival doughnuts To make more at home

For about thirty fritters

Dough preparation:

  • Have half a pound of healthy wheat flour and six fresh eggs.
  • Heat ¼l water with 150g butter, the peel of 1 lemon, 1 tablespoon rum and a piece of vanilla pod.
  • Bring to the boil gently for a few minutes, remove the pan from the heat, remove the lemon and vanilla and, in one go, throw in the flour.
  • Using a wooden spoon, stir briskly and return to the heat, stirring all the time, until you obtain a smooth, fairly thick paste,
    and fairly thick.
  • Then pour into a bowl, incorporating 6 eggs one after the other, each having been “swallowed” by the batter.
  • Now (and this is the secret of the big doughnuts), work the dough for a long time, turning it over and under, tapping it with the spoon, until you’re tired and your arms fall off.

Tip: if you want the “Crespèths” to get really big, don’t let the dough rest!

Cooking :

  • In oil or fat
  • Using a spoon dipped in oil, scoop out dough the size of a small hen’s egg.
  • Heat to temperature, then turn down the heat and throw the dough into the barely hot frying pan, which you’ll heat until bubbling. Throwing the dough into the hot oil or fat causes it to become stiff and unable to expand.
  • The doughnuts then rise, dance and caper,“Lou culhebet.”
  • When golden brown, remove with a long fork.

Enjoy them sprinkled with brown sugar or sugar, hot or cold, accompanied by hot chocolate or a glass of Jurançon, as the mood takes you.

Bon appétit!

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