Lupo Pizza Pau

  • Mobile catering
  • Pizza
  • Pizzeria
5 Rue Léon Daran, 64000 Pau
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Lupo Pizza street food is located in downtown Pau
We offer contemporary pizzas, street burrata, panozzo to take away and delivery. Lupo is one of the 3 pizzerias in France to be labeled "Restaurant de qualité" by the culinary college of France. This national distinction highlights establishments that have a high quality product supply and federate those who are committed to embodying and collectively promoting their passion for the transmission and future of the culinary heritage craft. We...


Quality standards
Restaurant de QualitéRestaurant de Qualité


A la carte
From 12€ to 16€
Payment cardsPayment cards


8 place setting
15 Dining tables outside


All year
18:45 - 22:00

18:45 - 22:00

18:45 - 22:00

11:45 - 13:45
18:45 - 22:00

11:45 - 13:45
18:45 - 22:00

11:45 - 13:45
18:45 - 22:00


Lupo Pizza Pau
5 Rue Léon Daran, 64000 Pau
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Lupo Pizza Pau
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Spoken languages
  • French
  • English
  • Italian
  • In the town centre
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