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Normally: adverb, in a normal way, in normal times.
So, logically, you don't normally leave your husband after six months of marriage to go off with your best friend.
Normally, it's a mom and a dad.
Normally, Céline Dion in the evening is always a pleasure.
And normally, a pitch is supposed to make people want to come and see the show.
So, are you coming?
After telling her story as an "emergency" nurse in over 200 towns and cities, and selling out the Zénith in Toulouse for the last one,...
So, logically, you don't normally leave your husband after six months of marriage to go off with your best friend.
Normally, it's a mom and a dad.
Normally, Céline Dion in the evening is always a pleasure.
And normally, a pitch is supposed to make people want to come and see the show.
So, are you coming?
After telling her story as an "emergency" nurse in over 200 towns and cities, and selling out the Zénith in Toulouse for the last one,...
Opening times
On 15 January 2026 from 20:00 to 22:30
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