Pau, view from Boulevard des PyrénéesPau, view from Boulevard des Pyrénées
©Pau, view from Boulevard des Pyrénées|Pau Pyrénées Tourisme | PL

Horizon of exception Enter the postcard

Pau and its exceptional panorama. It’s impossible to ignore the beauty that jumps out at you! Seventeen sites have been classified as Horizons Palois: they make up the panorama visible from Pau. The aim of this initiative is to preserve the city’s breathtaking vistas over the long term: the Pyrenees, the Jurançon hills and the Gave de Pau plain, holiday homes, the palm grove… Immutable yet changing with the seasons, these landscapes will surprise you at every glance, without ever disappointing you!

Getting there

Horizons palois

Protect the panorama visible from Pau! Such is the purpose of the “Horizons palois” classification decree (1944). A landscape created by Mother Nature, but not only. While the forests, the Pyrenean peaks and the saligues around the Gave are shaped by geography and geology, the landscape has been modified by human intervention: vineyards, fields, the parks of holiday villas?

The result is an inimitable, unforgettable vision where town and country, artificial and natural, interact in harmony. Les Horizons Palois includes views from Pau and protected sites on the hillsides: the Billère golf course, villas and châteaux in Bizanos, Gelos, Jurançon, Mazères-Lezons and Uzos.

The place to see

The Boulevard des Pyrénées was opened between the château and the Palais Beaumont between 1893 and 1899. This almost 2 kilometer-long belvedere is emblematic of Pau, with its 180° view of the Pyrenees, where the Pic d’Ossau stands out against the blue sky. A perfect walk to see and be seen, an invitation to stroll and contemplate. The beautiful people of the Belle Époque were not mistaken, nor are contemporary visitors, who vie with each other on social networks for breathtaking snapshots.

Pau is the most beautiful land view in the world, just as Naples is the most beautiful sea viewAlphonse de Lamartine.

Looking to the mountains Plus belle la vue

For a long time, the people of Palois were wary of this opening onto the disquieting world of the mountains: the town took refuge behind the walls of its ramparts, and only the château watched over and took advantage of this landscape. But in the 18th and 19th centuries, Pyreneanism broke down the walls and opened up our horizons! A sporting and cultural movement, it inspired the Romantics and accompanied the development of spa and climatic tourism, of which Pau is emblematic. The mild climate and blue “beth ceù de Pau” (Pau’s beautiful sky), the quality of the environment, an impressive history, the proximity of the mountains and the Pyrenees boulevard are the ingredients that structure the landscape and establish the reputation of the capital of Béarn.

“Four o’clock in the morning. – Imperial. – Mists. – Wide plains. – The sun in your eyes. – A trail of vapors marks the Gave de Pau to the right. – Towards noon, the Pyrenees could only be made out by a few white streaks on the horizon, as if the blue dress of the sky, scratched in places, were showing its silver weft.”Victor Hugo 1843- On a journey II – From Bayonne to Pau


Pau’s landscape is marked by its Art Deco heritage. Look out for the villas and manor houses that dot the landscape and hide in their green settings.

The hillsides

Jurançon vines have shaped the landscape. On the hillsides, you’ll see rows and rows of vines, adding a graphic touch and promising a great harvest! Red or green, they speak to the rhythm of the seasons.

Walks and hikes

Take a tour of all the most beautiful viewpoints… Put on your best shoes and come and see us at theTourist Office: we promise you some great photos to show off on your return!

Parks and gardens

Pau and its landscape are a story of nature! The palm groves, redwoods and cedars of our parks and gardens form an exceptional backdrop to the horizons of Pau. Don’t forget to respect it!

The Belle Époque imprint

The Pyrenees’ popularity with sports enthusiasts, reinforced by climatic tourism, changed the landscape. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Pau was a popular tourist destination: English, Spanish, but also Americans, Russians… The Gotha and the cream of the world of letters, industry and aeronautics flocked to the Boulevard des Pyrénées. It’s a race to see who gets the most beautiful vacation villa, in Pau or on the hillsides.

The landscape is dotted with a golf course, a funicular railway, Art Deco or Neo-Rococo villas, palm trees and rare trees. Between medieval times and the Belle Époque, Pau redraws its horizon.

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