Sunday 9 february at 19:00

Concert: Les Coquettes

  • Comedy
  • Pop music (rock, pop, rap, …)
  • Concert
  • Music
Salle du Foirail, Place du Foirail, 64000 Pau
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Les Coquettes is a trio: Mélodie, Lola and Marie. Three young women of today, chic and glamorous, who distinguish themselves by their acuity and mix, on stage, piquant sketches and engaged songs.
In Merci Francis! conceived as a breath of fresh air, Les Coquettes attempt to answer crucial, everyday and political questions with relevance and good humor: "How does it feel to grow old? "and "Who is Francis?", showing us the way to a new kind of sisterhood that is hard-hitting, tender,...

Opening times

On 9 February 2025
  • 19:00


Basic price

Discounted rate

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Concert: Les Coquettes
Salle du Foirail, Place du Foirail, 64000 Pau
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Spoken languages
  • French
  • In the town centre
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