Friday 14 february at 20:00

Concert "Jazz à Pau" : Les Egarés (Sissoko, Segal, Parisien, Peirani)

  • Jazz and blues
  • Concert
  • Music
Complexe Culturel du Foirail, Place du Foirail, 64000 Pau
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Ballaké Sissoko, Vincent Segal, Émile Parisien and Vincent Peirani are passionate artists who have transcended geographical and cultural boundaries to create a universal music. This exceptional quartet, brought together on the album Les Égarés, creates a magical fusion of kora, cello, saxophone and accordion. From this music emerges a palpable alchemy that forms a captivating harmony. For it is indeed a unity of spirit and fluidity of sound that these well-tempered individualities create...

Opening times

On 14 February 2025 at 20:00


Basic price
From 10€ to 35€
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Concert "Jazz à Pau" : Les Egarés (Sissoko, Segal, Parisien, Peirani)
Complexe Culturel du Foirail, Place du Foirail, 64000 Pau
Please note that the nearest station is more than
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Spoken languages
  • French
  • In the town centre
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